It’s Giving Blended, Healthy Natural Silk Press with Our light Yaki Textured Straight Wefted Bundles
It’s giving light Yaki straight!! The best texture for our type 4 girlies who have chemically straightened there hair.
Our textured straight hair, is a dead ringer for natural hair that’s been either chemically relaxed or had a keratin/ texture release.It’s like the perfect Dominican blowout, with a few more inches for extra glam.
comes in a natural 1B colour and is irresistibly soft. It will last 6-12 months with proper maintenance and care.
Use them in a traditional sew-in, build a unit or cut a bit of weft to wrap around your next pony – the light Yaki wefts are the most versatile way to get your hands on one of our most popular textures.
With our experience with HBA studio, we do not recommend colouring extensions beyond a Level 9. We recommend you always consult with a licensed professional who specializes in colouring hair to achieve the results you want. Also note, multiple colouring processes and colouring to blonde/white will interfere with the integrity of the hair extensions which can cause dryness and shedding. We are not liable, nor responsible, for altered hair extensions. We do not offer refunds, nor exchanges, once hair has been altered in any manner (i.e. coloured, cut, etc.).
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